
Contribution of CSOs in improvement of consumers right in BiH in accordance with EU standards

Contribution of CSOs in improvement of consumers right in BiH in accordance with EU standards

Contribution of CSOs in improvement of consumers right in BiH in accordance with EU standards.

Duration of implementation     

01.01.2019 – 01.01. 2021

Reason (need) for project implementation

The pre-project situation in the field of consumer rights in BiH is the worst that it has been in the past ten years, since the regulations for this field have been adopted. The "BiH Consumer Protection Law" represents the relevant regulation for this level of institutions, which was adopted in 2006, since the consumer protection in BiH is actually and practically being developed. The Law has undergone a few "cosmetic" changes in 2015. However, as such, it almost did not include any EU directives that were in force at that time. The current situation is that the competence over consumer protection in BiH is divided among institutional levels, even when it comes to the same level of governance. In such an institutional and legislation environment, the governmental institutions and utilities company are the biggest violators of consumers’ rights.

To whom it is intended - beneficiary groups:

Consumer Associations, relevant ministries (Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, Ministry of Trade and Tourism of RS and Ministry of Commerce of FBiH), utility companies, the Ombudsman for Consumer Protection, the Inspection Directorate of RS and FBiH, and finally the consumers.

What changes will it bring / impact

There will be a framework improved in accordance with the EU Directive, a developed institutional mechanism for consumers’ right protection in sector of utilities service in 10 local communities, as well as mechanisms for monitoring of the combating against violations of consumer rights. Finally, it will strengthen consumers, consumer associations and consumer representatives in their work to protect the rights of consumers.

Safe House

Report the violence to the relevant police, welfare center or call us at:

033 222 000

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SOS Phone

You have the right to seek help and get the support of others. We understand you, can and will help you. Stay anonymous and give us a call.

033 222 000 (KS), 1265 (FBiH)

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Center for Women

YOU ARE NOT GUILTY! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! THE EXIT IS OUT! Free legal aid, free psychological and socio-economic support

033 570 560 / 570 561

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The Youth
Education Corner

Hub of Knowledge, Support, and Security for Youth

033 570 560

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