According to the invitation of the United Nations Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women), for participation in the upcoming training in budgeting and budget monitoring from a gender perspective, the training has attended Sandina Nezir-Pirija, finance manager of the Foundation of Local Democracy.
The training, realized on 26 and 27 October 2015, was specifically designed for local civil society organizations in BiH.
The purpose of the training was to enable participants to monitor policy and budget on the basis of performance indicators from a gender perspective, as well as provide attendees with understanding of the terminology of the budget, the budget cycle and gender responsive budgeting.
The goal of the training is to increase the capacity of local civil society organizations in BiH with the techniques of budget planning and budget monitoring (BLBM) and enable them to easily advocate for gender responsive budgeting (GRB) in their local communities. Participation of women, advocates of gender equality and gender advocacy NGOs in local politics is crucial, in order that government policies and public budgets include men's and women's needs and priorities.