This year's theme for World Refugee Day is '1 family' , and the aim is to draw attention to the devastating effects of armed conflict on families. UNHCR has marked this day on a global level, remembering the strength and endurance of more than 45 million people worldwide who have been forced to leave their homes . During last year, a record number of people have been forced to flee across the borders of their countries, including Syria, Mali , South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This yea , UNHCR in Bosnia and Herzegovina has a pleasure to welcome individuals and families from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina , who once were displaced by the war . They now sell their products, as a result of support they received in order to become economically independent. Among the sale items are vegetables, fruits, cheese and handicrafts. Foundation for Local Democracy (FLD) with other partner organizations of UNHCR had a booth where families, that have gained economic independence with the help of funds to start small farming and other activities, presented their products. UNHCR Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Andrew Mayne has personally supported these activities with buying the products from FLD beneficiaries. He said : "Today, these families show that it has taken years to re-establish their lifes, after the devastating events that led to their displacement . On " World Refugee Day " we have to ask over again how fast it is possible to achieve a satisfactory solution for those families who are still in need throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.
World Refugee Day
On Thursday, 20 June 2013, at 11:00 h, UNHCR in Bosnia and Herzegovina has marked World Refugee Day with market on Trg oslobođenja- Alija Izetbegović, in the center of Sarajevo.